What are dental sealants?
Dental sealants play a critical role in protecting the smile against cavities. This plastic coating/seal is applied to the molars near the back of the mouth, smoothing the bumps and grooves on the chewing surfaces to reduce the risk of plaque buildup and unwanted tooth decay. When administered by the team at Family Dentistry of Caledonia of Caledonia, Michigan, patients can protect their smile from cavities, taking an extra step in preventative care.
When might an adult or kid benefit from dental sealants?
With dental sealants, Drs. Gary Scott and Allyson Grove can help patients take an extra step towards protecting their teeth from tooth decay, which can significantly damage the natural tooth structure and increase one’s risk of infection. We often recommend dental sealants for children who may not be brushing their teeth as effectively as adults. We may also use them in adults who need extra protection against dental conditions that may harm their oral health and wellness. Our team evaluates your smile and determines if you are a proper candidate for dental sealants or other services at our office.
Are dental sealants expensive?
Most dental insurance plans provide some or full coverage for dental sealants, a solution for cavity-prone teeth. During an initial evaluation, we can advise you whether you are a candidate and talk to you about your options for protecting the teeth and preventing tooth decay.
How long does it take to place a dental sealant?
Dental sealants are administered to the molars in an appointment that will be approximately 30 minutes long. The process of getting a dental sealant only takes a few minutes and can last several years before needing to be replaced.
Schedule time to talk to our team about dental sealants
Whether you are considering dental sealants for yourself, your child, or children, we invite you to call Family Dentistry of Caledonia at (616) 816-5882 to request an appointment. Our facility is located at 9021 North Rodgers Ct. SE, Suite E in Caledonia, MI, and is open to new and returning patients and families in the cities of Middleville, Grand Rapids, Cutlerville, Kentwood, Hastings, Alto, and Freeport, MI.